if (File.exists(previousFile)) File.remove(previousFile); // delete original (in case it didn't completely move)
performInstall(); // commit file-deletion changes
/* Main Install Routine */
// only load after the Pre-Install Cleanup completes
if (true) {
// install constants
const APP_DISPLAY_NAME = "Adblock";
const APP_NAME = "adblock";
const APP_PACKAGE = "/adblock.mozdev.org";
const APP_VERSION = "0.5";
const APP_JAR_FILE = "adblock.jar";
const APP_JAR_LOC = 'chrome/' + APP_JAR_FILE;
const APP_COMP_FILE = "nsAdblock.js";
const APP_CONTENT_FOLDER = "content/";
const INST_TO_PROFILE = "Install "+APP_DISPLAY_NAME+" in your profile?\n(..you wont have to reinstall when updating the browser).\n\nClick Cancel to install "+APP_DISPLAY_NAME+" in the browser root.";
const ROOT_FAILED___TRY_INST_TO_PROFILE = "You didn't have permission to install as root.\n Would you like to force profile-installation?\n\n[Note: "+APP_DISPLAY_NAME+" WILL NOT FUNCTION in the profile for browsers-builds older than 6.24.03. This includes moz1.4.1 and fb.6]";